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  • Writer's pictureDr Joe Hennessy

What age to get braces

I am often asked

“Should my child see an Orthodontist?” or “Am I too old for braces?”

The answer to both questions, like many things in life is, It Depends….

Lets discuss what age a child should see an Orthodontist first. Ideally a child should start seeing their general dentist from 1 year on. This lets them get use to the sights and smells of the dental environment and ensures that they enjoy their visits in the future. Your dentist will be well positioned to advise if your child needs to see an orthodontist but here are some easy guidelines that parents can follow.

While in deciduous (baby) teeth (~6 months-6 years)

· 5 baby teeth in each quadrant (1/4) of the child’s mouth, 20 in total

- extra teeth or not enough teeth may warrant seeing an Orthodontist

· Thumb/soother sucking past the age of two years old should be discouraged

· If baby teeth need to be extracted, it is a good idea to seek an orthodontic/paediatric dental opinion to aid with space management

While in mixed dentition (some adult, some baby teeth) (~6-12 years)

· Asymmetrical eruption of permanent teeth

- e.g. the right central incisors has erupted for 6 months and there is no sign of the left-it’s a good idea to see an Orthodontist

· Crossbites

- Where the lower teeth bite outside the top teeth, again a specialist should be consulted

· Severe crowding

-Where teeth are starting to overlap each other by a significant amount or where there does not seem to be space for permanent teeth to erupt, see a specialist

Adult dentition (no baby teeth left) ~12 years onwards

· Most teenagers have their growth spurts between the ages of 12-14. We call this their Peak Height Velocity. Parents will recognise this stage because they keep getting asked for new pairs of shoes!! Orthodontics probably works best at this age because, like the rest of the child’s body, change happens rapidly and teeth move quickly. If you are concerned about anything, from the child’s bite to the way his/her teeth look, it is best to see an Orthodontist.

The second question, “Am I too old for braces”, has a quick answer. NO

There are lots of aesthetic options for adults who want to have discrete orthodontics. My oldest patient is 69 years old. She has metal braces and loves them!

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