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  • Writer's pictureDr Joe Hennessy

Short Term Orthodontics (6 month Smiles)

This is a thorny subject in the dental world. In recent years it has pitted dental colleagues against each other (Orthodontists vs General Dentists) and lead to public and private spats (I know, who needs EastEnders!) As a patient it can be confusing to know where to go when such contrasting views exist in the profession. I hope to give as objective view as possible, all be it from an orthodontists perspective (Although my wife and brother are both dentists)

Some commercial companies offer dentists the option of simplifying the orthodontic process. They will position the braces in a lab and then give the dentist the tools to allow them to place the braces in the patient’s mouth. The dentist is offered 3-4 different archwires that they are told to use in sequence. The dentist has very little chair side control over the type of wire or bracket that is used. I would consider this ‘short term orthodontics’ as their sole aim is to improve the aesthetic position of the front teeth with minimal consideration for the patient’s bite or the long-term stability of the result. However some patients are happy with the results that are achieved and never look back.

An orthodontist’s aims are to improve the aesthetic position of your teeth while at the same time improving your bite in the most stable way available. I have chair side control over where your brackets are placed and will use on average 7-8 different archwires. I can certainly offer the ‘6 month smiles’ experience but I would often encourage my patients to aim for different goals when seeking treatment.

I would be confident that the vast majority of dentists and orthodontists would not be offering you treatment unless they felt it was in your best interests. Always ask yourself what you would like your hard earned money to buy, which treatment you choose depends on what you would like to achieve.

As always, keep smiling,


Hennessy Orthodontics, 6 month smiles, braces dundrum

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